Microsoft SQL Server and .NET Framework
Microsoft Access to Web Application Conversion
A client wanted to upgrade their old Microsoft Access 98 custom application that tracked and reported on pharmaceutical activities for multiple locations. Upgrading to a web application was the perfect choice to allow multiple users to enter data and view reports. User controls and logging was added to provide more traceability.
Web Application for Home Owner Inspection Service
A home owner association inspection service company wanted a way to upload data and images that will allow their analysists to review and report on any home owner violations of the HOA by-laws. The web application accepts CSV/Excel uploads of address data and inspection images. Images are then 'tagged' and saved in the system for reporting to the HOA. A customer portal was later added after the succesful launch and work flow tool was fully operational.
Shipping Solution
Developed and implemented a shipping solution to integrate with UPS and Fedex. Shipping department can enter an order number to ship, the application pulls the necessary address and shipping details for specific order. The shipper than scans each carton to be shipped and information is sent to UPS or Fedex and the label is automatically printed.
Inventory Solution
Created web service for Inventory handheld devices which connects to SQL Server. Handheld devices are running Windows CE, which are used to check inventory, move/adjust inventory, pick orders and run cycle counts. Approximately 50 devices are used in 3 different locations.
Merchandiser Solution
Developed merchandising platform used by sales and support team as a tool when in the field for sales and delivery of product. Created application that runs on tablets/laptops for retail merchandising. User goes to established retail outlets to distribute product. User is able to place orders for new items, deliver orders and check warehouse inventory. Tablets contain SQL server which is replicated to main SQL Server to allow tablets to be disconnected from network/internet and still be a viable tool.
eCommerce Platform
Created an ecommerce platform which housed over 10 ecommerce sites for a promotional and logo company. Additionally, the administration of the sites was also created to support the multiple sites. Originally the platform was created in Classic ASP and then migrated to ASP.NET utilizing SQL Server backend.